
something to practice everyday

Practice gratitude in any big or small way and watch your vibration shift. Watch things get better. It can be as simple as thanking the sun for the warmth it spreads along your skin, or the delicious food you get to enjoy for lunch, maybe the radio station that plays your favorite song, or the stranger who holds the door open for you. Thank your jacket for keeping you warm during the cold and that cute cashier that made you smile. Find gratitude for your health, your family & friends, your bed, your pets, your shoes, that stupid detour that ended up saving you from witnessing a horrible car crash. That gut feeling that made you leave early. Starting seeing life as if everything is happening for you. Not to you, but for you. Starting hyping up every good thing that happens. Start writing it down.

Trust me, I know it’s easy to get caught up focusing on all of the bullshit. Ten things could be going really beautifully in our lives, absolutely phenomenally, and yet… that one thing not going so swell, that one darn thing will be getting all of our attention.

And guess what.

Focusing on that one shitty thing is only going to mess up the other ten that could be going better too. Continually focusing on the problem is only going to keep you at the vibration of the problem. Hints keeping you from the vibration of a solution. We live in a vibrational universe. It feels terrible to worry about that one darn thing because it is! It is terrible to worry. Those low vibrational negative thoughts are keeping us from all the good available for us at a higher vibration. I can assure you, all we ever wanted and where we want to be is going to come from a place of feeling good. We are high vibrational beings and beacons of light, when we are out of alignment with who we really are the discomfort is beyond real and apparent in damn near every aspect of your life. The law of attraction brings you more of how you feel. Try focusing on all that’s going right, all that’s going beautifully and watch everything get better. You’ll feel better.

The better it gets, the better it gets.

Every cell in your body is vibrating with life as you exist in this physical realm on this miraculous planet that’s some how orbiting a gigantic ball of gas in a galaxy within the infinite universe. That in itself is worth getting stoked about.

Julia Jackson